1. Nauru Port
2. Port Limit
3. Nauru Port COVID19 Protocol & Travel Restrictions No.9
4. Pre-arrival Documents
5. Pilotage
6. Anchorage
7. Restrictions
8. Tugboat & Pusher Barges
9. Berthing
10. Stevedores
11. Mooring Systems
12. Ballast
13. Vessels Cargo Operation Informations
14. Cargo Gears
15. Delay
16. Repair
17. Weather conditions
18. Fish Aggregating Device (FAD’s)
19. Port Regulations
20. Public Notice & Notice to Mariner’s
21. Berthing Plan
- To make a booking for a mooring in the Port of Nauru access the link below and complete the application.
Or print and send the form:
- by email to operations
- post/deliver to the Port office.