Ship Scheduling and Mooring Usage Rules

All port users will nominate and schedule vessels for the Port of Nauru through a central point being the Port Authority of Nauru (PAN) office.

A shipping calendar identifying proposed shipping for the Port of Nauru based on the information provided by port users will be distributed on request.   Shipping agents and Lines are required to lodge applications for mooring with the following port officers:


How to Reserve a Mooring

  1. Ships agent / line can make a booking for the mooring to secure a mooring slot for a future date of arrival.
    1. Bookings are not compulsory but are advisable, and vessels that arrive without a booking must form a queue.
    2. Bookings must be made and confirmed 5 days prior to arrival
    3. Bookings must provide a total estimated discharge / load time
  2. The ship making the booking is required to use the mooring booking within 24 hours of the booking arrival time or forfeit the booking. On forfeit the ship loses the booking slot and will be placed at the end of any berthing queue.
  3. The ships agent /line is required to sign a berth/mooring contract for all vessel arrivals
  4. Taking and remaining at the mooring is subject to wind, weather and/or sea conditions as decided by the Harbour Master.
  5. Taking and remaining at the mooring is subject to the terms and conditions in the berth/mooring contract
  6. Vessels without a booking take a mooring slot in order of arrival
  7. Discharge and load operations delayed by weather do not impact the time at the mooring and the corresponding lost time is added to the mooring time.
  8. Discharge and load operations delayed by ship equipment breakdown will not be added to mooring time.

Cargo Operations at the Mooring

  1. General cargo operation at the mooring is restricted to daylight hours.
  2. General cargo vessels must leave the mooring prior to sunset and be at the pilot station for berthing the next day.
  3. Phosphate and fuel product loading and discharge must be continuous until completion.
  4. If phosphate and fuel product discharge / load operations are not continuous for 8 hours the vessel can be directed to vacate the mooring and the next vessel in the queue will take the mooring.
  5. The port can instruct a vessel to leave the mooring if stevedoring operations do not meet the continuous operational requirement.
  6. Any cargo discharge or load operation can be suspended or terminated by the Harbour Master due to wind weather or sea conditions. Suspended operations due to weather are to be made up.

Limits to Mooring Use

Advisory: The Port Authority of Nauru advises that the mooring buoys B 1 and the B 2 appear to be unstable and mooring operations and cargo operations are restricted until the issue is rectified.

  1. Petroleum Product Tankers
    1. Up to 6,000 GT – mooring under the canter leaver will require continuous pusher barge assistance to push the tanker away from the reef. This procedure will be continuous for the length of the discharge / load operation. Anticipated weather conditions will always be considered by the Harbour Master. Should sea/weather conditions dictate the Harbour Master can instruct the vessel to leave the mooring on short notice.
    2. Above 6,000 GT – Mooring subject to Harbour Master instructions.
  1. General Cargo Vessels
    1. up to 170 m LOA can be moored heading NW without using the B 1 buoy and B 2 buoy and subject to Harbour Master direction. Should sea/weather conditions dictate the Harbour Master can instruct the vessel to leave the mooring on short notice.
  2. Bulk Carrier Vessels
    1. Up to 8,000 GT and 10,000 ton loaded – mooring under the canter leaver will require continuous pusher barge assistance to push the vessel away from the reef. This procedure will be continuous for the length of the discharge / load operation. Anticipated weather conditions will always be considered by the Harbour Master. Should sea/weather conditions dictate the Harbour Master can instruct the vessel to leave the mooring on short notice.
    2. Above 8,000 GT and 10,000 ton loaded – mooring under the canter leaver will require engaging tug assistance from Solomon Islands (bollard pull 25 ton). Should sea/weather conditions dictate the Harbour Master can instruct the vessel to leave the mooring on short notice.

Harbour Master

24th October 2019